Mother Teresa once said~
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."
September is such a lovely month, the tomatoes are still ripening with the gentle warmth of the late summer sun while the leaves on the trees are whispering their intention of turning to richer autumn shades, but so far are only hinting at the excitement of it and not really started to do so in earnest!
This year particularly all the vegetation appears to be so vibrant and alive! The hedgerows are thick and rich with wild berries, the trees laden with ripe apples and pears, and allotments and gardens are boasting a host of multicoloured vegetables. Big red and purple cabbages, huge orange pumpkins and yellow squashes, sweet corns and parsnips of harvest gold, with green courgettes and broccoli. Magnificent Dahlias blooming amongst them like marvellous explosions of flamboyant colour, natural, organic abundance abounds! Home made soups will soon be on the menu again for lunch~
With all the fantastic colours around we are reminded of the whole magnificent spectrum that runs through us energetically in the form of the Chakras. One of the routines I am delighted to get back in place is doing my daily morning Yoga and meditation. This resources me mentally and physically in a way that nothing else can do. If you do not already practice yoga yourself I strongly suggest that you try it.
"Every day is an opportunity to be creative -
the canvas is your mind, the brushes and colours are your thoughts and feelings,
the panorama is your story,
the complete picture is a work of art, called "my life".
Be careful what you put on the canvas of your mind today -
it matters."
I am also taking part in a wonderful meditation experience called "The Golden Light Project" A 13-day worldwide healing project to bring more light, peace and harmony to our planet and into our own lives~ to join in the next project go to http://www.rainbowmedicinecircle.com/golden-light-project . It is filled with inspirational daily quotes like this one by Neil Donald Walsh~
"My promise to you is to always give you what you ask. Your promise is to ask."
from Conversations with God, Book I
from Conversations with God, Book I
World Peace Day 21st Sept
"We must make every effort for the promotion of peace and inner values. I fully support [Peace One Day]."His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Laureate
Tuesday 21 September is World Peace Day. This day was fixed in the UN calendar following the inspirational work of Peace One Day's Jeremy Gilley. For more information on this journey visitpeaceoneday.org.
The Peace One Day website states:
"The UN International Day of Peace on 21 September every year is not only about creating peace between nations, it's about non-violence in our homes, communities and schools. Therefore Peace Day is relevant to every human being on the planet.Now the next major objective is to introduce 3 billion people to Peace Day by 2012. To do it, we need the help of all people regardless of age, race, nationality, religion or gender; people who are willing to stand up for peace."
We hope by sharing this newsletter to inspire you, your friends and communities to celebrate World Peace Day. You could gather and sing together, read poetry or be in silence.
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