Greetings blog followers, well despite my good intentions it has taken me longer to get back to this than expected! I have been busy loading new stock onto my forth coming web-shop which is nearly ready to go live, hopefully just in time for Christmas shoppers to explore and delight in!
I have recently developed some very exciting new merchandise that I am particularly proud of and now looking forward to offer up to the global market place of the world wide web! Hooray!
I have recently exhibited at Olympia in London as part of The Yoga Show which was an exciting way of launching my merchandise to the public where it was happily met with much enthusiasm.
The show itself was visibly quieter than previous years and sadly with footfall distinctly down and costs definitely up it may be the last time that I exhibit there. It is always great to meet the public and I am very fortunate to receive a lot of praise and encouragement whenever I do.
My work is so detailed and textured that it is best seen and touched to really be understood and embraced fully, and it is now a truly sensory experience.
My original paintings are made from 3D bits and pieces and have various special paint effects to add extra magic and mystique to them. In my mind it is essential then that each new item I create needs to bring a certain quality of it own. Personally I hate it when you see something your eyes like but are totally disappointed when your skin actually touches it!
There for I have designed my merchandise to please on many levels.
One of the most interesting new things I have created is a wide range of cushions using all my original images. These come in two exciting and tempting styles~
These are heavenly to touch and hold, they really are boudoir chic, exceptionally sensuous and sexy!
The second is my Luxury range which are printed on the same super soft suede fabric and are fully washable.
Enough of my personal work developments and onto the news of the week regarding Twitchy and "One From The Heart". After months of waiting to hear back from a number of various celebrities in the spiritual and self development fields I finally got a lovely response from Marianne Williamson, the most influential and well respected spiritual activist and author of
"A course in Miracles"

Dear Claire,
It was only just today that I opened up the package with your book in it...although it's dated from March! I'm so sorry.
Thank you very much for your kind words; your own book and pictures are beautiful. Already I can feel a very healing vibration. I send you all best wishes. Perhaps Hay House in the UK would be interested in publishing? If I were you, I would contact them.
In the meantime, you can certainly use this:
"Claire Johnson's very special work is both comforting and inspiring." -- Marianne Williamson
All my best,
Encouraged by this I wrote again to Hay House u.k only to be told that sadly they are not taking on any one new right now! Never mind I will just have to keep trying!
All the best
Love Claire
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