The Autumn has been unfolding so slowly and beautifully, reaching lazily towards the promise of the winter wonderland of December and Christmas .
November started off really well for me with a double page article in Spirit and Destiny magazine telling the true life story of my last few years with my beloved mother and my paintings "Path of Light" and "Harvest of Hope" which was a wonderful gift.
Then I had the most incredible 3 days at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Brighton.
I was very blessed with a fantastic large stand right next to the live stage area which had a wonderful selection of entertainment, musicians, demonstrations, talks and dancing. I displayed 3 original paintings which don't usual get the opportunity to be seen by the public and they got much praise and attention which they adored! They were beaming out their light like little beacons of Hope.
We had a really great show and met some fantastic people. I was also fortunate to be interviewed by Harun Rananni for Untangled FM radio and so my words ands messages got out there to a larger audience than I could have hoped for !
Some good friends of mine have recently taken over a holistic health centre in the Portland Road in Hove and called it "The Tree of Life Centre" They have been very kind and offered me a permanent ongoing exhibition space for my work in their beautiful centre so I have taken lots of my original paintings and hand finished prints down their including my mighty "Tree of Life" itself.
The original "Humming Bird" is also there now flying high in the main studio where people go for Yoga and various classes plus a drop in Acupuncture clinic. So are The Temple, Annie Rose, Postcard from Hollywood, and Versace. My paintings and prints are very happy there because they are in service doing their work singing their individual healing songs loud and clear and adding to the wonderful choir of healing energy that fills the whole centre. The patients and visitors are also giving them a lot of love and attention too which is makes for a win win situation all round.
Then on the 7th November an even more exciting thing happened! I flew off to South Africa on an incredible journey to take part in a 7 day personal development Worksop run by William Whitecloud called "Master Your Destiny". William is the author of two really great books, The Magicians Way and The Last Shaman which I would highly recommend everyone to read. Very inspirational.
I went with a good friend of mine Gill Orsman and met up with 25 other people for what turned out to be a life changing experience and fantastic adventure!
First we flew down to South Africa from Heathrow late one night then travelled by coach from Johannesburg for 9 hours up into the wild mountains and across the boarder into Swaziland.
There we stayed in a beautiful national park overlooking the great Rift Valley of Africa. Everyday we were given masses of fascinating information to digest and learned great techniques to put into practice and to expand our minds to develope our own intuition more and more. We laughed a lot and cried a bit but had great fun helping each other gently evolve as the week progressed.
It was incredible experience shared with a very special group of people plus wonderful food and great hospitality from our very warm and welcoming Swazi hosts. All this set against the incredible stunning backdrop of Africa. Totally Fantastic! I loved every minute of it and made some really special friends at the same time.
Following that intense and exhilarating week we spent 3 days on a private game reserve for a safari to really get up close and personal with the amazing African wildlife. This was another incredible and totally thrilling trip in itself. I have put some videos up on my Facebook page and my website of some Swazi Dancers and Drummers who put on a great show for us, and an Elephant that also put on a very different type of show! After 3 days of more fun and wildness I made the long journey homeward, 2 days of travelling back to the northern Hemisphere and the safety and security of my much beloved family and home!
I received some really great pieces of writing throughout November both prior to my African adventure and whilst I was in the heart of Swaziland. So here they are :
1:11:13. Twitchy. Henfield
Breath deeply into your fear allow all panic and concern to only be a vehicle to learn that which is holding you captive. For once you have identified your assailant then you can collect your thoughts and ideas and focus beyond your own false horizon.
Do you not think that the first men to voyage to the edge of the known world were not more than a little concerned about that which they were about to learn and yet their courage and determination to break through and expand their own beliefs carried them ever onwards and to the discovery of a whole wide world, and lands of plenty and adventure. The likes of which had never been conceived they simply had to be seen to be believed.
Sometimes you have to be a magician and create your own future pulling surprises out of your own hat! You do have it in you so do not fear so and doubt your own capabilities. Your own taste for adventure and self expansion are held deeply within you only suppressed and overshadowed by your responsibilities as a mother and a wife. This is a wonderful gift from your own family to you to evolve into the greatness that is in your soul, to see you shine like a diamond is their one united goal. Their love is constant and pure and fills you from within, 'Tis a wonderful place from which to begin.
By first being greatly loved you can then give it out and you really are most greatly loved both down here on earth and in Heaven above. Breath deeply and sleep deeply, awake refreshed and revived for with the dawn of the day your future will have come and you can happily get up and run, with open hearts and minds onto the next exciting phase .
Every day on planet Earth is a gift of the highest worth.
A life lived in fear is a life half lived. Set yourself free in your mind to climb every mountain and cross every sea so that you can gain a personal understanding of the landscape of your mind, the journey of your heart, the purpose of your soul.
Make LOVE your goal~
Breath deeply into your fear allow all panic and concern to only be a vehicle to learn that which is holding you captive. For once you have identified your assailant then you can collect your thoughts and ideas and focus beyond your own false horizon.
Do you not think that the first men to voyage to the edge of the known world were not more than a little concerned about that which they were about to learn and yet their courage and determination to break through and expand their own beliefs carried them ever onwards and to the discovery of a whole wide world, and lands of plenty and adventure. The likes of which had never been conceived they simply had to be seen to be believed.
Sometimes you have to be a magician and create your own future pulling surprises out of your own hat! You do have it in you so do not fear so and doubt your own capabilities. Your own taste for adventure and self expansion are held deeply within you only suppressed and overshadowed by your responsibilities as a mother and a wife. This is a wonderful gift from your own family to you to evolve into the greatness that is in your soul, to see you shine like a diamond is their one united goal. Their love is constant and pure and fills you from within, 'Tis a wonderful place from which to begin.
By first being greatly loved you can then give it out and you really are most greatly loved both down here on earth and in Heaven above. Breath deeply and sleep deeply, awake refreshed and revived for with the dawn of the day your future will have come and you can happily get up and run, with open hearts and minds onto the next exciting phase .
Every day on planet Earth is a gift of the highest worth.
A life lived in fear is a life half lived. Set yourself free in your mind to climb every mountain and cross every sea so that you can gain a personal understanding of the landscape of your mind, the journey of your heart, the purpose of your soul.
Make LOVE your goal~
10.11.13 ~ Swaziland ~ South Africa.
Well here you are in ancient African lands~
Where the rhythm of the people goes hand in hand with the fauna and flora and wildlife of their native land. Tune in to the rocks in the ground and the heartbeat of the Lion for the beat goes on and on. Open up your hearts and minds to the wonders all around for there is magic everywhere.
Perfect your skills and create magnificence will your own free wills ~
Well here you are in ancient African lands~
Where the rhythm of the people goes hand in hand with the fauna and flora and wildlife of their native land. Tune in to the rocks in the ground and the heartbeat of the Lion for the beat goes on and on. Open up your hearts and minds to the wonders all around for there is magic everywhere.
Perfect your skills and create magnificence will your own free wills ~
You have all it takes within yourselves to manifest Heaven on Earth.
Raise your own expectations and sense of self worth for you are some of the most precious things on the planet and should value yourselves as such. Not in a superior kind of way but in full appreciation of the gift of life that you are given every single day. So make the very most of everything, sight, sound, sense, hope, fear, kiss, tear for they are the jewels in the crown of Being Here ~
Raise your own expectations and sense of self worth for you are some of the most precious things on the planet and should value yourselves as such. Not in a superior kind of way but in full appreciation of the gift of life that you are given every single day. So make the very most of everything, sight, sound, sense, hope, fear, kiss, tear for they are the jewels in the crown of Being Here ~
14*11*13 Swaziland~ South Africa
Near far wherever you are across all time space and the Universe there is a density and vibration to all manner of things. Mighty great planets and the tiniest things micro organisms and Angels wings. Some are clearly visible and are right in your face for obvious detection and recall whilst others exist on a more subliminal plane unobservable to the naked human eye but still clearly present on the more sensitive subtle vibrational plane.
'Tis this heightened sense of awareness that you are all embarked upon a journey to achieve so you can read the signs and symbols that are omnipresent to assist with your souls orientation. Your egoic mind has indeed created your own reality by supplying you with the catalogue of reference for your individual being but the time has come to put away the limited information of your childhood explanation of all that there is and of how it has decided That it is!
For where there was once a limited edition that has become your trusted frame
of reference you are now here to become members of the greatest Reference Library of all time, with information available from everything that has ever been in existence systematically and schematically registered and collected for instant access. Every Hope, Fear, Dream, Smile, Kiss, Tear, Thought, Possibility and Potential. Everything imaginable and beyond~
There is information way beyond your physical minds limited capacity to believe. Information in fact it is only possible to receive and not comprehend or understand. The like of which will blow your mind if you try and contain it in your HEAD. Feel and receive it from a higher source feel it with your extra sensory self, embrace it with confidence that it comes from the true reservoir of all information and that it is there for you to reset your orientation. For if your personal orientation is of a far less limited kind you can all benefit from the possibilities of a truly expanded mind.
Near far wherever you are across all time space and the Universe there is a density and vibration to all manner of things. Mighty great planets and the tiniest things micro organisms and Angels wings. Some are clearly visible and are right in your face for obvious detection and recall whilst others exist on a more subliminal plane unobservable to the naked human eye but still clearly present on the more sensitive subtle vibrational plane.
'Tis this heightened sense of awareness that you are all embarked upon a journey to achieve so you can read the signs and symbols that are omnipresent to assist with your souls orientation. Your egoic mind has indeed created your own reality by supplying you with the catalogue of reference for your individual being but the time has come to put away the limited information of your childhood explanation of all that there is and of how it has decided That it is!
For where there was once a limited edition that has become your trusted frame
of reference you are now here to become members of the greatest Reference Library of all time, with information available from everything that has ever been in existence systematically and schematically registered and collected for instant access. Every Hope, Fear, Dream, Smile, Kiss, Tear, Thought, Possibility and Potential. Everything imaginable and beyond~
There is information way beyond your physical minds limited capacity to believe. Information in fact it is only possible to receive and not comprehend or understand. The like of which will blow your mind if you try and contain it in your HEAD. Feel and receive it from a higher source feel it with your extra sensory self, embrace it with confidence that it comes from the true reservoir of all information and that it is there for you to reset your orientation. For if your personal orientation is of a far less limited kind you can all benefit from the possibilities of a truly expanded mind.
15*11*13. Swaziland ~ South Africa
Since the dawn of time there has always been a rhythm and a rhyme the like of which had never been heard. This ancient song carries on and on and on and on ~
Not only is it sung and repeated by the beauty and sound of the birds in the trees and the rocks in the ground. Every single thing has its very own song to bring to the world and has some particular uniqueness it is longing to be heard.
This difference is celebrated and displayed in the individual image shape and form of the thing and is described and differentiated by its own vibrational ring. Each colour Blue Sky, Red Earth, Green Leaf, Pink Lightening expresses a myriad of subtle shades and combinations to help dictate their place and standing in the whole. Combinations and variations of the essence of the sameness are what shape and create ALL things in the world, time space and everything.
From the tiniest Soldier Ant to the soaring Eagle in flight there are incredible variations on the size and scale of things, the matter and form, density and delicateness, transparency and opacity. The vibrations of which create the unique notes they do omit that play their part in the harmony and magnificence of the song of LIFE, of existence in its purest essence, as an expression of the microcosm of the macrocosm.
The oneness of everything is in tune with the heart beat of the Mother Earth and breaths the very life force from the Father in the Sky. All is as it should be the union of the two, the Divine Masculine and Feminine. As is above so is below, the ONENESS on show ~
Since the dawn of time there has always been a rhythm and a rhyme the like of which had never been heard. This ancient song carries on and on and on and on ~
Not only is it sung and repeated by the beauty and sound of the birds in the trees and the rocks in the ground. Every single thing has its very own song to bring to the world and has some particular uniqueness it is longing to be heard.
This difference is celebrated and displayed in the individual image shape and form of the thing and is described and differentiated by its own vibrational ring. Each colour Blue Sky, Red Earth, Green Leaf, Pink Lightening expresses a myriad of subtle shades and combinations to help dictate their place and standing in the whole. Combinations and variations of the essence of the sameness are what shape and create ALL things in the world, time space and everything.
From the tiniest Soldier Ant to the soaring Eagle in flight there are incredible variations on the size and scale of things, the matter and form, density and delicateness, transparency and opacity. The vibrations of which create the unique notes they do omit that play their part in the harmony and magnificence of the song of LIFE, of existence in its purest essence, as an expression of the microcosm of the macrocosm.
The oneness of everything is in tune with the heart beat of the Mother Earth and breaths the very life force from the Father in the Sky. All is as it should be the union of the two, the Divine Masculine and Feminine. As is above so is below, the ONENESS on show ~
28/11/13 Henfield Sussex
From the place in the sky, the highest on high ALL is well and good. ALL is as it should be all is as it could be in the realm of possibilities. 'Tis up to you all to focus your own intentions, energy and projections onto harmonious end results that will benefit you one and all.
The planet, the people, the nature, the wildlife, the air, the water the land the sea the sky.
The breath of Life, the song of Hope, the ring of Truth, the promise of Love, the kiss of Kindness, the hand of Friendship, the all for one and the one for all~
Whatever you set your hearts and minds to can be yours so set your sights accordingly and aim for unification across every nation. Equality for all peoples regardless of creed colour or gender. May all disparate fragments of society be reunited to the whole.
May the sick and sad and estranged be welcomed back in again. May the marginalised be centralised and the divisions merge to form one and the same. May all men and women become equal regardless of their name, size, shape, colour, creed. May they all be served by the common good not by personal status power or greed.
Do what you can to help your fellow man for he is you just in another shape and form. You are all one and connected and have only become isolated persecuted and rejected by forgetting this at the core.
You have believed your own false identities of being individual souls with separate and individual goals instead of remembering the absolute truth which is that you are ALL ONE and connected to all time space and the Universe.
This is a TRUE blessing and not the curse under which you are all living, as lost individuals who are powerless to affect change for yourselves. You are ALL responsible for everything and can indeed change the world for good if you take on the idea and responsibility with the knowledge that you could. Inspire others to break free from the selfish short sighted views that they hold of personal struggle and success. Help them to see that the greatest thing to be is reconnected to source so that you can all benefit from the overall united power of LOVE and TRUST.
May Hope spring eternal and be your driving force. Be inspired and inspirational and lead by example. Fly high to the place in the sky where all is in perfect harmony.
Know like you know like you know that ALL is well and good.
ALL is as it should BE~
X x xx x x x
Wow what a truly amazing and magical month November turned out to be!
SO bring on December is what I say and let see what magic and surprises it has in store!
Thank you for joining my newsletter, please feel free to contact me if there is anything you would like ask or to share with me . I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to sharing my next months guidance and stories with you .
Much Love and light and Christmas cheer to you one and all ~