I am delighted to announce that I will be having an exhibition in September at the Yoga Ananda Holistic Center in Reigate, Surrey from 16*9*11 which will run for six weeks.
The center director Leon Deith attended one of my talks on "Art with a spiritual Heart" at a recent Holistic and Mystic show and as a result of hearing about my work and my journey as a spiritual artist he offered me a solo exhibition, for which I am extremely grateful!
Many people have been asking me for quite a while to display my original paintings some where and to give a guided talk through the stories of each one. They all come with powerful messages and meanings which can often help people to connect with the healing energy and hidden magic held within the each image.
I will soon be putting these stories up on my website as a long awaited response to the many many requests to do so! I Apologize for the delay~
Also I have recently made my You tube debut with an interview for More to Life T.V which you can see by following this link ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WfqqEKXBrc
Anyway that is all the news for now, which only leaves me to share the latest writing from twitchy with you, enjoy~
12*7*11 ~Sayers Common~
Sometimes seeking medical assistance can bring reassurance
that all is not doom and gloom. Your own imagination can clearly conjure up symptoms and prognosis that are born out of fear, create a sense of panic and exacerbate the sense of unease. The reality may well be that something is out of balance and could be addressed which would help your general state of well being and make you worry less.
Your fight or flight mode has been on permanent overload for you have had a lot to process and transform. Give yourself time to assimilate all the changes and shock and tremors that have rocked your world and appreciate the vibrational disruptions these have created and continue to cause your mind body and spirit to work as best as they can to heal your heart and help your soul to reach its goal.
Many good good things are coming and are already starting to appear in your life. See them all as exciting positive signs of the continuation of LIFE. Be grounded in TRUST this is a must and be infused and inspired by HOPE * Keep on believing you are always where and who and what you are meant to be,
so BE~
Be positive and Hopeful, be grounded and trusting. Be ever mindful of what you are thinking and saying, projecting and preying. Make sure it is all coming from the same hymn sheet and that there is no room for self doubt or disbelief to even come near.
Sing with confidence about your bright future,
sing about being the great visionary and tutor,
sing about the glorious abundance and prosperity in your world.
Sing about the pure LOVE you are surrounded by.
Sing about the brilliant white LIGHT of the Heavenly realm that radiates in all directions from your very core.
Be the beacon of great HOPE and turn up your beam.
The world is in need of extra light right now so be well grounded to anchor it firmly to the ground. Focus on your own health in a positive way so that you can continue to be the greatest you can be, That is your own responsibility.