Sunday, December 20, 2009

Seasons Greetings One and All~

'Tis nigh upon us the mid-season celebration.
'Tis the same for every man whatever his beliefs or his nation.
'Tis a time for loving and living, receiving and for giving,
for faith of every kind whatever your religion
Be pleased for one another this time of year is here.
Wish all men peace and harmony
with love and Christmas cheer~

Twitchy 23.12.1992

Thank you very much to all the people who came to my open studio
and helped make it a truly wonderful event! It was also my birthday
on 12th which made it a particularly special day for me.
It was a huge success and due to popular demand I plan to hold another
one sometime in the New Year so that some of those who could not make
it have another opportunity to come!

On a sadder note, a lovely lady called Ali who I met a few years ago,
has recently passed over. She has left us a beautiful poem called
"Tree Pose in Blue" which goes amazingly well with my "Tree of Life"
painting which regretfully she had not seen.
God Bless you Ali and Peace be with you~

Tree Pose In Blue

Awakening from frozen dark, Spring trees
Unbend, unfurl, unfold upwards, undo
Autumn & reverse their Winter striptease
Reaching for glorious, astounding Blue.

From cold roots up to naked twigs, hollow
Winter emptied them: but reaching for Blue
Fills them with infinity, they swallow sky
Devour divinity.

And so you and I must do, keep struggling free
Of doubt and dark and cold we've shrunk down to
Unbend blindly, stretch like trees, yearn up to
Touch the perfect Blue we had forgotten

Unfold our fingers like leaf buds.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas
with Much Love and Peace on Earth~


Friday, November 20, 2009

The winds of change and my Open Studio

Greetings as the season quickly turns from rich autumn shades to wintry blustery showers! Great things can come from what these powerful "winds of change" do bring. The promise and potential for great change is now here for us all, in these positively charged, vast and billowing clouds!
The polar ice caps are melting indeed but within their frozen depths has been held pure water filled with the clear energy and memory of bygone eras, when the world was not so polluted and tainted with greed and mans selfish lust for power and the pain and horrors of war. Fresh water charged with good, positive energy is now released unto the world and fills the depths of the oceans and seas. It is this new/old water that is evaporated up into the atmosphere to be rained down as droplets of hope and inspiration to us all. To literally wash the planet clean and revive humanity. We humans are made up of 70% water and as such now have the opportunity to drink in and refresh ourselves with this supercharged h2o. It is then carried upon these powerful winds and forms these wonderful clouds which do indeed have silver linings !!

Humming Bird~
This is my latest painting and has only just been finished. It brings the message of JOY. It encourages us to seek out the goodness in life and focus on whatever it is that brings us joy whether it be fantasy or reality. To keep our own vibrations "High" and not to be pulled down by the negative turbulent energy that abounds!
Twitchy's wisdom about it says this~

"Tis true the time has come to truly hum, Be like the Humming Bird and seek the goodness and transform it into gold. Hum your own vibration higher then fly~ fly~ fly~
Revisit the earth beneath your tree to ground yourself fully and prepare yourself for flight, then you can soar into the sky and truly reach the highest height~

Saturday 12*12*09           11am ~ 5pm

I will be holding an open studio in December where you are invited to come visit my latest paintings in all their 3D magicalness! and explore or purchase any of my exciting merchandise.
(much of which is not to be found on my website).

There will be a selection light refreshments, delicious home made cakes, teas and coffee! Perfect for buying extra special Christmas presents, meeting my new paintings, and seeing my studio in the wonderful artistic home of my mother, Angela Saunders.

15 Trinity Road
West Sussex

01273 833795

Travel Info~
Nearest mainline train station "Hassocks"
Hurstpierpoint can be found just outside Brighton off the main A23 below Hickstead Show Ground.

All best wishes, looking forward to seeing you in December.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Autumn Gold~

There is a rhythm and flow to life, and I am part of it!

Life supports me and brings to me only good and positive experiences.

I trust the process of life to bring me my highest good ~

Sometimes life has a funny way of unfolding to make you re asses your priorities, to encourage you to fully appreciate the now, and change the importance you put on the goals your are aiming for!
Since last I wrote the focus of my whole life has been family and spending top quality time with them all. We have had a wonderful summer filled with great love and lots of magical occasions. Treasured relies have come home from far away places, and some have gone off on adventures of their own to places unknown, and will return someday full of stories to share. Time spent with those you love lasts forevermore.
My loved ones near and far are more important to me now than ever ~  

Summer is over, schools are back and my children are growing up before my very eyes.
Autumn is here , my favorite time of year and Life is sweet ~ 

The painting I am working on right now is probably the happiest , brightest and most magical fantasy painting I have ever done! It is a "Humming Bird" shimmering in flight amidst a fantastical tropical explosion of fauna and flora! It is about the importance of heightening our personal vibrations and seeking out the goodness in life.  Hummmmmm.......... something I am trying to do! 

It is definitely time to try and maintain the highest vibrations and most positive out look possible somehow, so that we do not sink into to the darkness and yuck that the media would have us believe is all that there is out there.

I believe what you think about you DO bring about, so HOPE dose spring eternal in my world and is alive and kicking in my studio if nowhere else!!!! 

Heres wishing you all great joy in this season of abundance, harvest festivals and fields of gold~

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to our new on-line shop........

This months news is very exciting, firstly we have launched our new on-line shop

Secondly I have submitted my two latest paintings, 
'The Tree of Life' and 'Paradise Beach' for consideration for this years 
Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London.
I therefore ask for all the positive love and best wishes possible to be sent to support them in their time of waiting and judgement!

I have never contemplated doing this before but these two
 paintings are somehow different to my other work and I got the distinct feeling they would love the opportunity for a very grand debut and the possibility of an extremely large public viewing! 
Fingers crossed they will meet with approval
 from the so called "Hanging Committee".........
We will find out at the end of May and I will of course post the result here!

Also in May I am contributing an original painting "Blazing Sunset" to the charity fund raising auction being held at 'The Special Yoga Centre' in London. This is to help raise much needed funds for the wonderful centre where they lovingly assists children with special needs.
This is an exciting art event to be participating in as there are to be artworks available from great contemporary British artists such as Damien Hirst, Sam Taylor-wood, Vivienne Westwood and many more.

This month too I have some original flower paintings on show at The Cassiel Art Gallery in Rye as part of the 'BumbleBee Heaven' show. This is a completely magical little gallery run by a very lovely lady called Emma. It is a wonderful place to visit and a must see for all visitors to the region!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Spring is in the air and hope is returned to the land! How fantastic to see new life bursting forth from seemingly dead wood. Bright blue skies and gentle soft sunshine following crisp white snow and frosted spiders webs.
Snow Drops, Crocus, Daffodils and Catkins!

Ahhhh........ to be in England now that spring is there!

Since early December I have been ensconced in the depths of my studio painting away in my happy place, as it is known. Now it is time for me and my latest works to emerge with the turning of the seasons and the forth coming solstice.
My work has definitely evolved into something new over the past year and become not only more detailed but more descriptive too.I have a very spiritual outlook on life and this is beginning to carry through my work more and more. It now not on
ly tends to enhance the surrounding it is in but also raises its vibrations and those of the viewer. My latest 2 paintings are good examples of this.

"Tree of Life"    ( pictured above)
This was an epic painting for me to complete as it required a lot, in fact demanded a lot, of
 personal inner journey work! It is about getting well and truly grounded in the here and now and to be fully present on the planet! Something that I have always struggled with being more of an off the planet visionary dreamer and explorer of higher spiritual flight!

However after carrying the image around in my head for at least a year I settled down to the task and spent months and months on it until at last, I achieved it !
It has not even left my studio yet and I have already had some amazing responses from the people who have seen it. It definitely does seem to have quite a profound effect on the emotions! It tends to stop people in their tracks and makes them take stock as to where they are in l
ife and more importantly, in themselves.

Strangely enough it has made me much stronger, more confident and much more grounded!
So far I have only produced hand finished greetings cards of the image and yet I sell out of them as quickly as i can produce them. The Tree of Life is a powerful image for sure and I am looking forward to the response it will get when the painting has its first public showing.

"Paradise Beach"
The new one I have been working on is a definite follow on from the tree.
It is an open blue sky with billowing white clouds filled with hope and positive energy, trimmed with silver linings, as life itself so often is.
It represents all that is good and exciting for the future, coming from the heavens and viewed over a topical turquoise sea. Sets of crystal topped white water waves, break gently onto the shoreline of prosperity. A sweeping white sand beach lays out stretched, receiving with great ease, the natural treasures and gifts, shells, pearls and even 24 carat gold the sea of abundance has to bestow. 

Tropical exotic flora and fauna offer all the goodness that life can give on the land and the beauty of simply being here, fully grounded, not such a bad prospect if Life really is a beach!
The true natural wonder and magical delight of the whole scene is in fact offered by a radiant
 yet hidden sun, beaming down heavens LOVE and finest light, from behind one of the big white clouds. This implies that hope does spring eternal and that all is well with the world!

With great Love
